here is the schedule of masses on November 1 & 2 in celebration of all saints and souls day respectively.
November 1, 2009
7:00 am - mass at St. Joseph Parish*
3:00 pm - mass at Donsol Civil Cemetery
3:00 pm - communion service at marasgas cemetery
5:00 pm - mass at Donsol Catholic Cemetery
* the regular 5:00 am Sunday mass is canceled.
November 2, 2009
7:30 am - mass at Donsol Catholic Cemetery
* there will be NO 6:00 am mass.
1. envelopes for your mass intentions for the the souls of your beloved are already available at our parish office. they will also be made available at the cemetery before the scheduled masses and communion service.
2. they are placed in a box provided by our parish.
3. 4 Sunday masses will be offered by Fr. Jojo for the souls of your beloved.