Monday, November 09, 2009

Confirmation 2009: Be Sealed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

New Pentecost occurred in St Joseph Parish, Donsol, Sorsogon as one hundred eighty five parishioners from different kapilyas received the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation last November 6 at around 9:am. The solemn Eucharistic Celebration and the Sacrament of Confirmation were ministered by Most. Rev. Arturo M. Bastes, S.V.D., DD, bishop of Sorsogon, who encouraged the confirmandi to be real soldiers of Christ against every kind of evil that is thriving in our time. In his Homily, His Excellency specifically called the youths, who composed the majority of those who were confirmed, to fight illegal drugs and abuses to the environment. They were also reminded that as sharers of the priestly, prophetic and kingly ministry of Christ, they are bound to pray, be witnesses of the the Word and stewards of creation.
The confirmandi were prepared through the series of pre-sacramental instructions conducted at St. Joseph Parish and at different kapilyas by the Parish Catechists. Holy Hour with Confession was also held a day before the said event.

the preparation:

Holy hour: to pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit

the confirmandi

prayed in front of the Blessed Sacrament

the benediction

confession to prepare oneself for the coming of the Holy Spirit

giving of name tags

the Confirmation:

the mass...
bishop explained the meaning of the Sacrament of Confirmation in his homily

the church was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit

the offertory procession

be sealed with the gifts of the Holy Spirit


the Lord be with You

and also with you...

Anointing with Chrism

a gentle touch from our bishop

one moment

with the father of our Diocese
little benjie

photo ops with bro jupe

the feast: nourished in body and spirit

the preparation

with the bishop's favorite host fr. jojo

and the banquet

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