Saturday, November 28, 2009

new workers in God's kingdom: PPC 2009 - 2014

"If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them."

Jn. 13:14-17

We are happy to announce that the parish has a new set of parish pastoral council (ppc) officers -- the new pool of Church leaders,who will be serving our parish with our parish priest, Fr. Jojo Revidad.

The reorganization of the new PPC came after the Episcopal Decree # 1, which mandated all his parish priest to immediately create a new PPC. This is a diocesan policy that the PPC is co-terminus with the Parish priest, who is given the power to appoint or in any way, at his discretion, to organize his own consultative body.

The new appointed leaders are the following:

Executive Vice President: Mr. Eddie Sabalboro
Secretaries: Mrs. Neda Balictar & Mrs. Rosario Gomez
Treasurer: Mr. Eduardo Pollarca
Auditor: Mrs. Rebeca Mercader
Family & Human Life: Mr. & Mrs. Jolly Banal
Laity: Mr. Salvador Llantino & Mr. Gomercindo Pula
Youth: Ms. Connie Reyes & Ms. Maria Alyanna Abitria
Media & Evangelization: Mrs. Beverlyn Caramoan & Mr. Zander Macandog
Worship: Mrs. Nancy Abitria, Mr. Roy Masanque & Ms. Erie Lorilla
Education: Mrs. Vida Cadag & Mrs. Zenaida Abitria
Service: Mr. Al Caramoan & Mrs. Marcelina Lopez
Temporalities: Mr. Benigno Salvatiera & Mr. Arnel Rabe

The new servant leaders met for the first time last November 28, 2009 at Mrs. Lydia Apuyan's compound for a recollection given by our own Episcopal Vicar Rev. Fr. Sabino M. Fulo. Fr. Fulo focused his reflection on the need of renewal of commitment, an essential act before serving as leaders. Recollection was seen as the best way to start facing their responsibilities as collaborators of the parish priest.

These new pool of leaders will continue the legacy of committed service done by their predecessors-- the outgoing PPC under the administration of Rev. Fr. George Fajardo. They were chosen by our parish priest from among the members of different religious organizations of the parish. On their hands was left the responsibility to implement the Diocesan Ecclesial and Evangelization Program of the Diocese of Sorsogon and to achieve the pastoral goal of this new quinquinium.

They will be officially installed on December 22, 2009 , 4:30am (aguinaldo mass) by no other than our beloved bishop, Most Rev. Arturo M. Bastes, DD

Let us all pray for them and give them our all out support so that they may do their respective functions in the name of service to the ever loving God and to His Church here in Donsol.

here are other scenes of the recollection:

Lunch time: Agape
served: Dinuguan, Grilled Pork Chop, Grilled Fish and Laing

Holy Mass:

altar servers: the future servant leaders

thanks to the altar servers who served as errands the whole day.

Friday, November 27, 2009


Christ Jesus Victor!
Christ Jesus Ruler!

Christ Jesus Lord and Redeemer!

Our Parish's celebration of the Solemnity of Christ the King!

the vigil by the religious organizations of the parish

the solemn procession: Christ the King visited and blessed the poblacion barangays of the Parish.

followed by the parishioners who worshiped Him as King!!!
Solemn Benediction

The celebration was spearheaded by the Adorers Group of the Parish and with the special participation of the Handmaids of Mary and the Eucharist.

"crown Him with many crowns,
the lamb upon his throne;
Hark! how the heveanly anthem drowns
all music but its own;
Awake my soul and sing
of Him who died for thee,
and hail him as thy matchless King
through eternity."

Sunday, November 22, 2009

visit to suguian

visit to brgy. Suguian. November 17, 2009

going out of our shelves.

sa ilog ang mundo'y tahimik...

to find peace in the vineyard of God...

and follow Christ's call: 'go out into the deep

lower down our nets for a catch...'

... caught a great number of fish and found our nets tearing..

do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men.

Luke 5.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

soon to rise: Sto. Nino Grotto

We are proud to show to you the proposed Sto. Nino Grotto to be built beside of St. Joseph Parish Church (left side), adjacent to the St. Joseph office. this project will be made possible through the generosity of a devotee of the Holy Infant Jesus, from Cebu City and of course through the support of the parishioners of our Parish.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Parish Schedule

Sunday Mass:

5:00 am - Bicol Mass
7:00 am - Bicol Mass
5:00 pm - English Mass

Daily Mass:

6:00 am - Monday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday
5:00 pm - Wednesday
NO MASS - Tuesday


Holy Hour with Confession (6:00 pm): Thursday before First Friday
Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament(7:00 am - 7:00 pm): Every Saturday
Rosary (5:30 pm): Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday

Sick Call: anytime

Regular Meetings:

Catechists: Every Last Sunday
Commission on Worship: Every First Sunday
PPC: Every Third Sunday
H.O.M.E.: Saturdays 9:30 am
Altar Servers: Saturdays 2:30 pm
LECCOM: Saturdays 2:30 pm
Lay Ministers: Saturdays 3:00 pm

Barrio Visits:

Cluster A:

TUBA & MALAPOC - 2nd Monday
STA. CRUZ& SAN RAFAEL - 2nd Thursday
SIBAGO & TINANOGAN - 3rd Thursday

Cluster B:

CRISTO - 2nd Monday
PAMPANG & GIRAW-AN - 2nd Thursday
DANCALAN & OGOD - 2nd Friday
BAYAWAS & GURA - 3rd Monday
SAN RAMON & SUGUIAN - 3rd Thursday

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

institution of the Handmaids of Mary and of the Eucharist

"But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."

Luke 18:16-17

27 little girls were instituted as Handmaids of Mary and of the Eucharist (HOME) popularly called the 'little marians', last October 15, 2009 during the 5:00 pm mass. The celebration was presided over by Rev. Fr. Eric Olague, OFM parochial vicar of St. Anthony Parish, San Antonio, Donsol, Sorsogon and witnessed by their parents and guardians.

During the institution, the little marians received Marian medals, Rosary beads, and Eucharistic pin -- all symbolize the identity and mission they assumed as members of HOME.

a. Medal - symbolizes their commitment to live the life of our Blessed Virgen Mother.

b. Rosary - symbolizes their mission to pray and propagate the devotion to the Holy Rosary especially to their fellow children.

c. Eucharistic Pin - symbolizes their commitment to devote their lives in the service of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

These young kids are the parish's greeters during the Sunday Celebrations and they also spearhead the daily praying of the Holy Rosary every 5:30 pm.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Christ the King Celebration

The Church will celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King on November 22, 2009. In connection with this great solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, St. Joseph Parish will have a special celebration this coming Sunday.

Below is the schedule of our parish activities on the celebration of Christ the King.

5:00 am - Holy Mass
7:00 am - Holy Mass
8:00 am -3:45 pm - Vigil
4:00 pm - Holy Mass
5:00 pm - Procession of the Blessed Sacrament around the Poblacion
- Eucharistic Ceremonies
- Benediction

Schedule of Vigil:

8:00-9:00 AM Brgy. Awaii, PPC, Hermano/Hermana,


9:00- 10:00 AM Brgy. Bororan, El Shaddai, Apostleship

of Prayer

10:00-11:00 AM Brgy. Central, Mother of Perpetual Help,

Miraculous Medal

11:00-12:00 AM Brgy. Market Site, LECOM, Catechist,

Mother Butler’s Guild

12:00-1:00 PM Brgy. Poso, PWWD, Family Life, CWL

Bantay Pamilya, St. Joseph Parish Choir

1:00-2:00 PM Brgy. Tres Marias, Legionaries, Servants

Of Divine Mercy, Parish Youth Ministry

2:00-3:00 PM Brgy. Rawis, ADORERS, Ladies of Charity,

St. Joseph Association

3:00-3:35 PM Brgy. Tupaz, Lay Ministers, Altar Servers,

Handmaids of Mary and of the Eucharist,


this activity will be spearheaded by the ADORERS group and the commission on Worship.

institution and investiture of altar servers

25 young men were instituted as altar servers and invested with altar server's robe by Rev. Fr. Jojo Revidad, our parish priest last November 15, 2009. These came after attending series of liturgical formations and a team building seminar workshop given by Bro. Jupe Garalde.

The 25 are divided into three groups which are entrusted to the care of the Archangels.

St. Gabriel

Clyde Nicole Lim
Junnel Necerio
Terrence Hernandez
Anthony James Macandog
Christ Mark Galang
Adrian Macalla
Louie Malto
Obet Malto
Kevin Rae Anonuevo

St. Michael

Christian James Cadag
Reymond Oribiana
Arkhe Emmanuel Balictar
Francis Jeff Hernandez
Arman Benedict Amaro
Mark Junnes Jacinto
Valdemar Avisado

St. Raphael

Alexon Nemecius Pandaan
John Crispin Restoles
Dale Loduvice
Jim Arthur Mirabueno
Rico Latoga
Johnrey Alvarado
Ian Padilla
Nino Benedict Tonga
Paul Aden Balictar

During their institution to the ministry of Altar Servers, these young men promised to offer their lives to the service of the Sacraments especially to the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. In his sharing, Bro. Jupe reminded them of their responsibility to be models in prayer and in values to the other young men in the parish. He further called them to strive to live as responsible Filipino Christians, toward which their continuous formation in the ministry is aimed.

This was the first time in more than a decade that the parish Altar Servers were invested with 'sutanilia'. And this was made possible through the joints efforts of the Commission on Worship of the parish, parents and the generosity of several donors.

The parish would like to thank the donors:

Mrs. Becbec Chua
Mrs. Rebecca Mercader
Mrs. Corazon Bolonia
Mrs. Nancy Abitria
Mrs. Nena Magdamit
Kgd. Sulay Magdaraog
Mrs. Jasmin Manrique

bellow are scenes of the team building last
October 5, 2009
at Dancalan Beach, Donsol, Sorsogon

bro. gives instructions

knowing their identity...

finding their brothers...


team work...

concern for their brothers...


building team...

magnanimity in victory

gracefulness in defeat...

working hand in hand with...




the St. Joseph Parish's Altar Servers: Brothers in Service
