Jn. 13:14-17
The reorganization of the new PPC came after the Episcopal Decree # 1, which mandated all his parish priest to immediately create a new PPC. This is a diocesan policy that the PPC is co-terminus with the Parish priest, who is given the power to appoint or in any way, at his discretion, to organize his own consultative body.
The new appointed leaders are the following:
Secretaries: Mrs. Neda Balictar & Mrs. Rosario Gomez
Treasurer: Mr. Eduardo Pollarca
Auditor: Mrs. Rebeca Mercader
Family & Human Life: Mr. & Mrs. Jolly Banal
Laity: Mr. Salvador Llantino & Mr. Gomercindo Pula
Youth: Ms. Connie Reyes & Ms. Maria Alyanna Abitria
Media & Evangelization: Mrs. Beverlyn Caramoan & Mr. Zander Macandog
Worship: Mrs. Nancy Abitria, Mr. Roy Masanque & Ms. Erie Lorilla
Education: Mrs. Vida Cadag & Mrs. Zenaida Abitria
Service: Mr. Al Caramoan & Mrs. Marcelina Lopez
Temporalities: Mr. Benigno Salvatiera & Mr. Arnel Rabe
The new servant leaders met for the first time last November 28, 2009 at Mrs. Lydia Apuyan's compound for a recollection given by our own Episcopal Vicar Rev. Fr. Sabino M. Fulo. Fr. Fulo focused his reflection on the need of renewal of commitment, an essential act before serving as leaders. Recollection was seen as the best way to start facing their responsibilities as collaborators of the parish priest.
These new pool of leaders will continue the legacy of committed service done by their predecessors-- the outgoing PPC under the administration of Rev. Fr. George Fajardo. They were chosen by our parish priest from among the members of different religious organizations of the parish. On their hands was left the responsibility to implement the Diocesan Ecclesial and Evangelization Program of the Diocese of Sorsogon and to achieve the pastoral goal of this new quinquinium.
They will be officially installed on December 22, 2009 , 4:30am (aguinaldo mass) by no other than our beloved bishop, Most Rev. Arturo M. Bastes, DD
Let us all pray for them and give them our all out support so that they may do their respective functions in the name of service to the ever loving God and to His Church here in Donsol.
here are other scenes of the recollection:
altar servers: the future servant leaders